Customer Testimonials


"This is my first SUPRA that I bought with these guys and they were great from start to finish with everything. I would recommend them to all my friends for sure."



"We bought our boat from Performance Boats, but left making new friends. Good people. I definitely recommend them."

Suzanne Perrin


"Ray helped me get 2 new skins for my 2007 Moomba Outback last year and the service was great. We just ordered new skins for the rest of the boat from him and I am not sure what he did but somehow he got us, not only the skins, but the entire seats already covered. The guy can work some magic and we are delighted. That just saved me a ton of time and it looks like a brand new boat. (Disclaimer: It was probably a mistake on Moomba's end but it made him look good for sure). Definitely a great place to do business."

- Jason Ohrum

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